Assassins lays bare the lives of nine individuals who assassinated or tried to assassinate the President of the United States, in a one-act historical “revusical” that explores the dark side of the American experience. From John Wilkes Booth to Lee Harvey Oswald, writers, Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman, bend the rules of time and space, taking us on a nightmarish roller coaster ride in which assassins and would-be assassins from different historical periods meet, interact and inspire each other to harrowing acts in the name of the American Dream.
Directed by
Isaac Brown
Musically Directed by
Benjamin Richards
Music and Lyrics by STEPHEN SONDHEIM
Produced ASSASSINS Off-Broadway in 1990
The Cast
Booth | Michael Lewis
Guiteau | Mark Richardson
Czologosz | Matthew Bennet
Zangara | Andrew Kassab
Byck | Dan Konstantinos
Fromme | Amelia Burton
Moore | Alison Paterson
Proprietor | Michael Ware
Balladeer | Adam Goodall
Hinckley | Nick Hargreaves
Billy | Addison Kallio
Ensemble | Jack Barrett, Julianne Clinch, Hannah Macri & Emma Thomas
The Orchestra
Lily Colmer – Keys 1
Steven Days – Keys 2
Monique Matthews – Reed 1
Sally Helene Faint – Reed 2
Tanya Campbell – Reed 3
Jared Lehmann – Trumpet
Caleb Hodgkinson – Trumpet
Laura Guiton – Horn
Sean Mackenzie – Trombone
Phil Kan – Bass
Jack Rabbidge – Drums/Percussion